Thursday, May 19, 2011

Reasons I Should Be Happy

I made this list as a reminder of the good things for when I get down in the dumps.  So in an effort to return to positive Polly, here are the positive things that came from the rollercoaster of the last few weeks.

Blue is Home


Everything is easier to survive now that he is home.  He doesn’t know what to say but just the fact that he’s calm and gives good hugs helps a lot.



Because the stars aligned and we were able to start our cycle early we found out that my ovaries are shitty earlier.  If we had waited it would have been that much harder to hear.  As it is now we need to take a month off anyway and we just happen to be spending the next month in Europe.  Maybe the stars aligned again... 



I get to drink wine in Italy.  I’m not sure this requires an explanation.


I will be laying on a Croatian beach, much like the one pictured above in about 2 weeks.  I will be wearing a bikini and there will be no bruises on my belly or butt.  I also hope that the damn Lupron bloating will have gone down…


Memorial day weekend at my parents cabin.  I will go jet skiing and I will not worry about shaking out the baby.


  1. Love your happy thing... have the most wonderful time in Europe and enjoy every sun-drenched moment on the beach and every wine with your dear husband. You're an inspiration to think so positively.... I need to take a leaf out of your book today :) Love always xoxo

  2. Hey! Saw you comment on AMiracle4us's blog and came over here to stop by. We have the same name and I also just had lap/hyst to remove endo, but mine was only stage 2. It really is crazy how many women and couples are going through such similar things, but in real life it seems that NO ONE is. It looks like you have had some really crappy news lately. :( I am so glad you get to go on a fabulous trip soon though! That sounds exciting and who doesn't love the beach???

  3. I love you and your attitude friend!! Seriously - lots and LOTS of wine! And bread, and cheese, and.... mmmmmmmmm! And then you get back, and you've so got this next try!

  4. You are amazing! I love your happy list and I love your wonderful attitude. I'll miss you horribly while you are on vacation, but I am so happy that you are going to get to go enjoy yourself for awhile.

  5. Hope you enjoy your vacation. I'm very sorry to hear of your canceled cycle. Looking forward to following your blog.


  6. I LOVE your reasons!! maybe it was meant to happen this way so you could confront some of your fears with the meds and all, but I'm sorry that it was cancelled this cycle :( However, now, they will get your meds perfect and everything will be even better (how's that for positive?:)), now you won't have to worry about testing while in Europe, just enjoy your trip! When's your new protocol? will it be in July again, earlier or later? When do you leave for Europe??? Have a great weekend! :)
