Wednesday, July 27, 2011

IVF 1.5 Schedule

Last week I had an hour long consult with Dr. SS’s nurse, we’ll call her Nurse L.  We went over all kinds of stuff in the appointment including the protocol I’m on and the four new meds I’ll be taking.  Somehow I didn’t even realize until midnight that it was a long lupron protocol!

I freaked out, I was on a long lupron protocol for my last IVF (which was cancelled for poor response!)  So of course I didn’t sleep, went over every possibility in my head and finally morning rolled around and I groggily emailed Dr. SS with a long list of questions.

His response helped, but not entirely.  He basically said this: Your blood work came back great, your AMH was higher, your FSH lower and all other numbers were with in normal range.  If we put you on the A/ACP we talked about you’d be at risk for OHSS because we couldn’t use your E2 levels to monitor your progress (this is a downfall of the protocol).

So here is the final protocol / schedule:

8/4 - Start Lupron and Dexamethasone
8/7 - Last BCP (hopefully ever!)
8/8 - Cut lupron dosage in half
8/11 - Baseline E2
8/15 - Start stims (Foll.istim) and via.gra suppositories (4X per day…ick)
8/17 - Start luveris (LH injection) lower stims from 375 IU to 225 IU
8/18 - Intralipid infusion
8/20 - Leave for Vegas!! (also Garth Brooks concert!!!)
8/22 - First US/BW and meet Dr. SS
8/24 or 8/25 - Prob Trigger
8/26 or 8/27 - Prob Egg Retrieval
8/31 or 9/1 - Prob Embryo Transfer

Wish me luck, just one week until I start the dreaded lupron injections again…. IVF 1.5 Here I come.


  1. Best of luck!!! Too bad we will miss one another out here :(

  2. Wow, this is exciting! The plan looks great. :) Loads of luck sent your way! xoxo

  3. I am drooling over that lovely, colour-coded organized schedule. How nice!

    That makes sense about the protocol and E2 levels, but still frustrating.

    GOOD LUCK!!!
