Wednesday, August 28, 2013


Sorry I'm just now updating you all, IVF2.0 didn't work and I just haven't really felt up to talking about it.

The truth is I wasn't really up to it at all.  I would take an infant any day but I wasn't and am still not ready to go through the process of IVF again any time soon. 

I'm very impressed by the women who can go through multiple rounds of IVF back to back and keep their chins up.  I've always considered myself tough but I'm not tough enough to brave through what felt like PTSD again on purpose.

I'm just not ready.  And you know what? 

Thats OK.

For the first time in years I'm going to focus on me and getting healthy.  I'm working out, eating well, being a good mom and just "doing me."

Someday I'll probably feel upto IVF again but who knows when?


  1. so sorry to hear. Do you have embryos left?

  2. Sorry to hear that Lindsey. I'm with you, I don't know how women go through the process over and over again. It can be so draining. Sending happy thoughts your way

  3. Simply...(((hugs))) good to yourself.

  4. Be proud of yourself that you can recognise you are not ready to go again. working on yourself and being a good mum is a great way to find that equilibrium again.

    I am back in the trows of infertility and TTC again and it sucks, my clock is ticking so loud but if it all gets too tough I am willing to stop and be grateful for the beautiful son I have been blessed with.

    Very proud of you for looking after yourself and your family :)

  5. Oh I am sorry :( But I like and totally get how you feel about it! I am afraid of starting another round if I am not 100 ready. Good idea to just focus on YOU and being a good mom to your lovie. xo

  6. I understand this SO much. I still have PTSD about it all. I'm starting slowly - I'm doing 6 rounds of letezerole and if it doesn't work ivf jan next year when I will be ready. Needles collection etc is just too hard to fathom. Sorry that it didn't work huge hugs

  7. So sorry, good for you for taking care of youself. I don't think anyone is strong enough to deal with two unsuccessful IVF attempts, it is unbelievably painful. After my second round was unsuccessful it was such a difficult time, I wish I had the strength to do positive things like you are. Instead I stuffed my face and felt sorry for myself. Then I jumped into round 3 because for me the worst place to be was in limbo. I think psychologically you are doing the best thing, give yourself time to grieve, heal and then move on. Take care of yourself.

  8. Damn! :(
    Enjoy Marek and time with your family and Blue. You have to do what feels right for you and this whole
    Thing isn't easy and there's no right or wrong way or time. Follow your gut!
    Thinking of you. :) xo

  9. Missed you so much! I just caught up with everything and I am really sorry that IVF 2.0 didn't work out, but I'm so happy that you have such a great/realistic attitude and outlook on the future. You know your limitations and that is so important when you are a mommy. Sending love to you, Marek and Blue.

  10. Wow, some how you dropped off my feed ages ago and I just thought you stopped posting... Glad I found you again! Congrats on that little man and good luck on #2. I'm sorry IVF2 didn't work

  11. I'm so sorry, sweetness. But it sounds like you are doing good things and keeping your chin up. It's good to hear. :)

  12. I'm so sorry to hear this, although I have to admit it's comforting to hear that someone else is having a hard time wrapping their head around putting themselves through IVF again. You are so strong, you are a wonderful mother, and I wish you and your family all the best.

  13. Me either and my son will be 5 in May... I've made multiple appts and just can't follow through with going for the consult...
